Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Happy Birthday ;)

A very "special" Cambodian Happy Birthday to You darling sister ;)

Hey baby girl! It's your birthday today...(in normal time anyway)!! :D This is exciting because
1) You're a year older!!
2) Hopefully Rich will spoil you with all types of lovely things :)
3) The baby could be born today!
4) Everyone has fun on their birthdays!
5) You could have a wild old time and have a party....and maybe even eat some cake!
and last but not least
6) You get presents ;) and this is my present to you this year.

How do I begin?
Well. Once upon a time?...Yes.
Once upon a time, there were 5 sisters who loved each other dearly. When they were young they would stay at home and dance, laugh, play games, sing till their hearts content, and make faces at the strange dinners their sweet Mumma would prepare for them.
They would hold each other when one was sad, they would give kisses when one was hurt, they would lie together and cry when a heart was broken. Wise and kinds words were exchanged to help each other on lifes journey.
As all of their journeys continued, each went off to have their own adventures. Some got married, and began to start a family of their own, the youngest went to France for a time, all by herself to gain a knowledge of all things wonderful, one went to New York to follow her dreams and have the most exciting experiences one could think of....
the other went to Cambodia in hopes of having a good time, all was well, until some locals trapped her in her path and forced her into something that she would forever look back at in shame.
She came home to show her family what they had done to her...
they were in complete shock, but all they could do to help to horrible situation was laugh.

and so, for your birthday dear Nomi, I'm giving you the laughter and photos, ....and a new poster for your wall ;)

Please note that this birthday gift to you involves posting my lifes most utter embarrassment on the internet...and if I'm single for the rest of my life, i hold you accountable hahah...and YES my eyebrows are drawn on, and YES I have brown eyeshadow on my nose.


Happy Birthday Nomi Nomes or should I say Rik Reay Tngai Kom Nert, Nromi !!...Presenting your gift; My Shame!..I hope you enjoy my extreme frustration and awkwardness... and my poor efforts to "smile smaller Jessy!! You smile to big!!"


They tried to make me look giving me heaps of props to distract from my face haha 


...she's single! men...WATCH OUT ;) haha

I love you Nomi, and now you really know how much I love you. Happy Birthday!!

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