Thursday, 31 May 2012

Bloggers Block.

Some like it Hot :)
Hello my darling sister.
I've been suffering lately...from something I've seemingly named, Bloggers Block. There are obviously so many amazing things I could be writing for you, but the right words seem to be running away from me.
But I believe I made a resolution with my dear sisters, and i quote; to:
Share each moment of excitement with each may be something seeing a novelty sized object.. or something as big and exciting as a new baby!...Let's not keep it to ourselves! Share it, and spread the excitement! Post it on the blog, email it or facebook each other :)
So here goes girlies! 
Moments of excitement!...after Nomi left us.

1. On May the 4th (be with you), the excitement started, when our precious sister Stephy decided she'd had enough waiting, and drank some castor oil; as she read it brings on babies!...well aparantly it works, because that night the labour began, and 12 long and painful hours later, our brave girl gave birth to the most beautiful little baby boy you have ever seen. Taj Dylan Whitchurch. :)We would do anything in the world for him to meet his Aunty Nomi!
He's so handsome!!

Beautiful Mumma :)

...ok so nothing can really top that one, but im still going to continue

2. Parking at the hospital is absolutely insane, and costs lots of money. On her last day, I managed to get a free 2hour car park! HECK YEEES
3. One rainy and windy cold day, I trooped down to Mornington, and watched the waves...I also found the most perfect card for you Nomi at a cute little store, but it hasnt quite found its way to the letterbox yet :I
Beautiful Stormy Mornington

4. We celebrated our Mothers! We hurrah-ed and jumped for joy at the wonder and blessing it is to have a Mumma such as ours :) She is so lovely. We truly are the luckiest 5 daughters in the world. She is joyful, compassionate, beautiful, caring, understanding, loving, righteous, patient, cuddly, eyebrowless, courageous, strong and a mighty fine example of all things good. She is a 'wow' of a cook...I don't think I've ever seen her exercise in her life, she eats her meals plus everyones left-overs and has had 6 whole babies, and is still a smoking bod ;) WOWEE. She always goes too far, and puts up with us teasing her. She cleans like she wishes she was Mrs. Sheen (not wife of Charlie, wife of Mr. Sheen cleaning product man). and she is the most selfless woman in the world. We are oh so lucky! :)

and Stephy had her first ever Mumma's Day, and birthday, together, and we are so proud of her. She is such a wonderful Mother! Our Nephew is the luckiest boy alive :)
5. Jordyana turned 18!! Our little J is not so little anymore! I can't believe how quickly she's growing up! She celebrated her birthday in breakfast style, as we do. :) We went to Flinders and had breakfast! Yippeee :) We also had a night on the town in the city and ate till our hearts content! I know the only thing that would have made that night complete would have been to have you there Nomi! 

6. I have officially finished Year 3, Semester 1 Uni! Woopaaah!.. after way too much stress over leaving assignments to the last minute and not knowing what i needed to know for exams. I can only pray that I pass. :/ 
7. The sun was shining today and it made me smile. The sunshine always reminds me of you...maybe because you always have a tan? haha or maybe because you brighten my life! 
8. Today I discovered the reality of my unfitness...exciting? yes i think so ;) The story of Jess crawling the 1000 steps and Kendall strolling them casually, is one you would enjoy Nomi. ;) Lets just say...your little sister is all class; she wasnt puffing at all, her head did NOT have a heart beat of its own and old ladies weren't encouraging her to keep going, because she could do it all on her own. hahah. or simply: POOR KENDS! :/ 

9. Tomorrow Stephy and I are baking a wedding cake for my friend Kristen! :) 

To finish off, I just want to say "Honest to goodness it's the absolute ultimate!"  
I miss watching Gidget with you...we somehow missed it in our marathon of films while you were here! 
I aboslutely miss you and love you a million, and hope your practicing your surfing skills in that little apartment of yours as a true Gidget would do ;) 

Friday, 11 May 2012

A Braless Hug is Always an Awkward Hug a more appropriate title to this blog might be...welcome baby Taj! or Happy Mothers day!
But I must say. it's true! a braless hug is the most awkward hug of all. 
Sorry to any men who read this; but ladies, we all know the best thing at the end of the day is to take off your bra! Bras are not the most comfortable items of clothing...why else do you think women of the 70's Burnt their Bras!? 
It's wonderful freedom being braless - but a braless embrace with anyone (minus your possible significant other) is weird...and an unnecessary bonding moment! 

Today was an exam day...and lets just say, it wasn't a breeze. Exams will never be my friend. 
So to cheer myself up...and maybe bring a little smile to your face...
I'm posting a blog on hugs...awkward hugs. :I
I will vouch that the braless hug is the winner!

A hug can be between friends, relatives, man and woman, and human and animal, as well as animal to animal. A hug is an expression of warmth and friendliness with arms outstretched around the other. Hugs are used as an expression of love, kindness, sympathy, friendliness, greetings and used sometimes to say goodbye. Hugs, or cuddles provide a sense of intimacy. If there is chemistry between two people when hugging, then a tingling sensation can occur. (HAHA)

"Hugging someone from behind can be surprising and even threatening, and is usually only done by friends who trust one another implicitly."


    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Happy Birthday ;)

    A very "special" Cambodian Happy Birthday to You darling sister ;)

    Hey baby girl! It's your birthday today...(in normal time anyway)!! :D This is exciting because
    1) You're a year older!!
    2) Hopefully Rich will spoil you with all types of lovely things :)
    3) The baby could be born today!
    4) Everyone has fun on their birthdays!
    5) You could have a wild old time and have a party....and maybe even eat some cake!
    and last but not least
    6) You get presents ;) and this is my present to you this year.

    How do I begin?
    Well. Once upon a time?...Yes.
    Once upon a time, there were 5 sisters who loved each other dearly. When they were young they would stay at home and dance, laugh, play games, sing till their hearts content, and make faces at the strange dinners their sweet Mumma would prepare for them.
    They would hold each other when one was sad, they would give kisses when one was hurt, they would lie together and cry when a heart was broken. Wise and kinds words were exchanged to help each other on lifes journey.
    As all of their journeys continued, each went off to have their own adventures. Some got married, and began to start a family of their own, the youngest went to France for a time, all by herself to gain a knowledge of all things wonderful, one went to New York to follow her dreams and have the most exciting experiences one could think of....
    the other went to Cambodia in hopes of having a good time, all was well, until some locals trapped her in her path and forced her into something that she would forever look back at in shame.
    She came home to show her family what they had done to her...
    they were in complete shock, but all they could do to help to horrible situation was laugh.

    and so, for your birthday dear Nomi, I'm giving you the laughter and photos, ....and a new poster for your wall ;)

    Please note that this birthday gift to you involves posting my lifes most utter embarrassment on the internet...and if I'm single for the rest of my life, i hold you accountable hahah...and YES my eyebrows are drawn on, and YES I have brown eyeshadow on my nose.


    Happy Birthday Nomi Nomes or should I say Rik Reay Tngai Kom Nert, Nromi !!...Presenting your gift; My Shame!..I hope you enjoy my extreme frustration and awkwardness... and my poor efforts to "smile smaller Jessy!! You smile to big!!"


    They tried to make me look giving me heaps of props to distract from my face haha 


    ...she's single! men...WATCH OUT ;) haha

    I love you Nomi, and now you really know how much I love you. Happy Birthday!!