Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Snaaazzzy Tasi!!!

What a beast!

As you may or may not know, i spent the 14/5/11-8/6/11 in lovely Launceston! I'm pretty sure you are travelling the roads of the USA at the moment Nomi, but I want to try and summarise my tasi life as best as I can for you (some may need to be told in person!)

The novelty of the boat trip from Melbourne to Tasi quickly diminished as we realised Bass Strait is NOT a friendly length of ocean. 12 hours of boat hell in recliner seats was full of no sleep and the Norah Jones CD on repeat (it was somewhat distracting and relaxing?)
On the bright side, we were super excited as in the morning we would be first car off the boat!! Because we were parked right at the front, with no cars in front of us on level G6..(like the song!!) YAY! .....actually i lie, it was super duper awkward when we weren't on G6, we were on level G5, and our number plate was called over the load speaker because we were holding all the cars up on our level! woops! Good start to a long drive to Hadspen! We were last out of quarantine, i suppose thats karma and i was so embarrassed when I didn't know how to open the bonnet of the car!
Anyway, we were so rebellious and went out for breakfast on a Sunday! Ahhh crazy mormons! (we were starving!) haha and it was Anvers fudge factory! how could we not stop there for breakfast!

Our first Sunday everyone was super welcoming and lovely, and... Nomi i think you might love to know that not only was it my first day in Launceston Ward, but it was also a certain Prebble's first Sunday back in Tasi after his mission. hahahaha. Well we can talk about this wonderful awkwardness later!

Britt Kannar and I experienced the freezing-ness of Tasi and travelled everywhere with massive coats and scarves and tipped buckets of water on our car in the morning due to the ice. AWESOME.
For placement we were in the LGH and I was in Community Health, which meant I got to go into peoples homes and help them continue to love comfortably in their own environments.
I loved it and oh i met some interesting people. I won't name names, but I will share with you a few of my favourites
- A very little old lady whose house was full of flies and smelt like pee, told me she went to the toilet in and icecream container because it is just much more convenient...and she told me and my supervisor alll about her so called "vageeena" hahaha....she showed us her pelvic floor exercises (which involved pelvic thrusting on the couch, and told us that rocking back and forth on her feet had made her grow 4 inches!!!! ...She also puts oil in her ears to make her hear better! She was so odd, but so cute!! you couldnt not love her haha
- Another man told us all about his tragic life of previous wives that 1) had been a "slut" 2) was a drunk 3) turned out to be a lesbian :/
- I met a young someone who had had a sex change...very interesting

I won't go into much more of my placement experience, only that it was such a good experience and learnt so much!! I loved it :)

Tasi is such a beautiful place and I had so much fun living with Britty, Gillian and Jade. Although i think Britt and I gave Jadey many headaches :/

We went to wine glass bay, which is amaaazing! and we drove to hobart and went to a cute market and bought the most delicious fudge ever (it tasted like strawberry milk!!), we also went to port arthur! It was a super long drive and we got lost and arrived at a place called Opposum Bay!? RANDOM! haha
infact we got lost many many times, due to tasi's stupid one way roads!!

We also experienced the super excitement of 24hour Kmart!! COOL!! haha

Every morning was super freezing and our cars were covered in a layer of ice :( tasi is way colder than melbourne, despite what those tasmanians say..
speaking of cold...We went swimming in an icy cold river! dont ask why? haha An experience i will never forget! It burnt it was so cold haha

I realise this blog post is super random, but there is just too much to say to condense, so this is the best i can do!
I also have a super exciting blog post coming up to tell you about! haha you will love it ;)

I miss you and love you and i was so excited about talking to you on the phone the other day, even though i couldnt hear a thing! :)

Just being a mermaid. This shell is very small......

This is on the way to wineglass bay, i dont know if you can see all of the dead crabs on the left...but they were everywhere!!! thousands!! and then there was a penguin....and then...a seal!! WEIRD

Our cabins on the ship!

Pre Spirit of Tasi excitement :/

A real ghost at Port Arthur!!!


  1. Rachael Rattray22 June 2011 at 00:40

    Can I just say I loved finding this on Facebook, it was hilarious and we miss you girls so much!! xo

  2. I wish i had posted it earlier so i could remember all the things we actually did! haha
