Friday, 29 April 2011

In the Festivities of the Royal Wedding: I LOVE WEDDINGS!

What is more exciting, beautiful and happy than a wedding!!? :D 
Nothing. Despite William balding, and the Priest sounding like Saruman off Lord of the Rings, it was perfect! :) 
I hope you found somewhere to watch it Nomi, just to join the big wedding party of the whole world! and me counting down to see her dress! If you missed it, i'll put of photo of them in this lovely wedding montage!! YAY

and although this has absolutely nothing to do with weddings...well maybe mine?
Keanu Reeves.... :D

Monday, 25 April 2011

Lady Man

Now I've been meaning to write a new post for a while now, but for a time i wondered if anyone actually looked at this thing/if Nomi even knew this existed! Well apparently you do! So now I'm super excited! :D
The reason I named this blog "Lady Man" is because last week, i turned into less of a man and more of a lady!
I shaved my legs (shock horror!), got my eye brows waxed! :O, and got a hair cut! No more a cave man, and more a lady man now haha...also the photo above (steph is a ladyman and dad is a manlady?)
If you haven't heard, i picked the perfect time of the year (Easter) join a gym! All my working out (if you can call it that) gets cancelled out by a friendly giant rabbit who visited on sunday, who needed to bring my kilo's of easter eggs! woohoo!
I thought of you yesterday when we went to Sassafras and walked past Miss. Marples, and my little heart ached a little for my sister, wishing you were here with us. For some very strange reason the lovely old Miss. Marples always reminds me of you.
Hahaha, not really, the cute little cafe always does though, i always wanted to go there with you!
I miss you Nomi, I miss you laughing, your smile and you hugs and everything lovely about you. When you get home i want to watch Little Women with you :) and I want you to watch MegaMind ASAP!! It's hilarious! 
Here is a little advertisement i found, to make us all feel better over the easter period, so we can eat as many eggels as we like! :D
Who says Vamoose?? I like it!
Love you!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Easter Bunny

So it is almost that time again!! THE EASTER BUNNY IS COMING!!
Yes ... the Easter Bunny does still come to us and leave easter eggs in the garden for us to find!
Only 1 more day of work and it is the long weekend WOOHOO ... Barwon Heads here we come YAY!
After the long weekend it's less than 2 weeks till Brad and i have our own house ... it's sooo exciting, i can't wait for Nomes to come and see it.
We miss you all so much and hope that you are looking at this Blog!!
Love you all xoxoxo

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Exam smashage

There's not much better than a day of what i like to call "exam smashage". 2nd year uni brings several nice little exam surprises throughout the semester, and passing them makes me happy. 
But as I'm typing this, i realise there's many things better than doing an exam, even when it is "smashed".

  • Today Ishka (our beloved doggy) climbed into a tradies car and ate his dogs food (stupid tradie...close your car door!)
  • I have developed an addiction to cereal and was happily reminded of you (Nomi) as I ate it....i possibly had some for lunch too :/
  • Dad bought "Megamind" - its my favourite animation movie....plleeeeease watch it! SO GOOD!
  • I've decided that if i talk to Winni enough, she may even develop the talent of being a 'talking cat' like the ones on youtube!!! :O "Oh long johnson" = awesome
  • Steph and i went to Sari's house for dinner and enjoyed several things better than an exam smashage -ravioli -Audrey the bunny rabbit -an super intense finale of My Kitchen Rules -and what's better company than sisters (COME HOME!!!)

  • and finding this photo, is much better than an exam. All of the guys' faces!! They look so excited! and the couple...aren't they just beautiful :)
Love you Nomi, keep happy and smiling

Monday, 11 April 2011

"And it was all yellow"

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you, 
and everything you do,
yeah they were all yellow

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Well my dear, here it goes.
It's been a typical Sunday, which happens to be the best day of the week. (for me anyway!) - no uni -no target or chinese restaurant to, yes, earn me money, but exhaust me! -church, which i find super exciting! (it was conference today) -and a whole afternoon to do as i please!! -oh and mums famous roast dinners...sorry they had to be mentioned :P

So Mum, Dad and Jordy are on holidays, and mum has decided she's walking places now! yes, they went for a walk this afternoon! :O and it was a long one!
I decided I'd stay home and cook dessesrt, which happened to be a big fail. It was supposed to be healthy (wholemeal, and maple syrup instead of sugar). I won't give you the recipe of this birdseed tasting carrot and pineapple cake, because you might be attacked by a flock of swans on your way to work one day, or something craaazy like that! haha
Nanna and Grandpa came for dinner, and so did Steph and Brad and brad's friend Dozer. Our dinner conversations were interesting as always. I think it ranged from something like vegetarianism, to mad cow disease, to "The blinking boat people". Nanna threw in her lengthy stories about amazingly random things and Kevin, and Grandpa cracked racist jokes that no one really understood haha.
So it was an eventful dinner, i guess you could say. and im sure you'd love to hear the family is conspiring against you and the american continent, as we chatted about missing you!!! and the ways in which we could capture you from that alien place and bring you back to earth/australia!! :D

Hint of the day: Never watch the movie "The Happening" or, do watch it just to see the hilarious acting and story line!

I also discovered a new site full of vintage photos, and got a little addicted. This is for you! HAPPY STAR WARS DAYS!

love you and miss you!!!